Webinar· 3min July 12, 2022
Incumbent organisations looking to move with the market face additional hurdles that may be only true to a lesser extend for newer players. How do you run truly real time on an engine aimed at batch processing? How do you move to cloud native as a whole organisation without disruption and losing your whole budget on it. The idea was after all to focus on the customer relationship. How do you change at speed so that you retain your relationships with new providers knocking at the door? How do bank see themselves playing in the ever changing digital ecosystem?
Thomas Bo Christensen
Director, Core Payment Platform | DANSKE BANK
Curt Chadha
Head of Payments & Daily Banking | RAIFFEISEN BANK INTERNATIONAL AG
Jolanda Schekermans
Head of Product, Europe | FORM3
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Form3 are revolutionising the way payments work from channel to payment scheme. We have developed an enterprise-grade, managed, payment technology platform that integrates across multiple payment schemes, and connects into your payment systems with ease.